
Knowledge is Power

God made the universe, made animal, made plants, and created the humans. He then made humans in charge of everything. He made human a god on earth. That is biblically true since during creation of Humans, God said, “Let Us create an image with our own likeness”. The likeness of God is being God, so we are gods…
Our intelligence helps us keep all other creatures under control. We don’t have to be as strong as elephants, or brave as lions, or fast as cheetahs… We are automatically in control of nature.
But there is something we can’t control even if we were given the means to. Its Evolution. Trying or even thinking to control Evolution is like being a cannibal, and starting to feed on your own body. There is a line separating what we know, what we can know, and what no one will ever know, like the details of life, soul, and spirit…
Any being with a slightly higher knowledge than humans on earth has us in control. The being can do whatever it wishes with us, all because we would never comprehend. Knowledge directly determines the level of control we have. That is why there are ranks at work to grade employees according to experience, and skills.

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The perfect Order

Look around you again…and again if you can…and again if you are passionate about nature. What did you see? Most likely you saw walls. Why did it happen that bricks had to be discovered earlier than cement? Why did it happen that building was invented prior to beds? Why not the opposite? Let me ask you one more question before I tell you why… How is it that every living species has a threat wanting to eradicate it?
The answer is simple…THERE IS AN ORDER!!! There’s how things are supposed to go, and why they are going that way. And don’t mistake this with fate… This is a force, a higher power, or something beyond human understanding that ensures that everything goes as planned, as it was designed… It’s like “ONE MUST HAPPEN TO SERVE ANOTHER”.
If all animals were predators, what would they eat? If there were no predators, what would they eat after they over re-create? And if you doubt this, just investigate what, when, and after how long polar bears eat! Then, you’ll be ready to agree with me when you find it that polar bears stay more or equal to six months without eating. After which, they are supposed to suckle their siblings through out the journey longer than many miles on ice, to “search” for food. This order has to make sure that there is edible food available for the polar bears. That’s the sole reason why there is a certain kind of fish (I can’t remember which one) that believes that they have to swim against the current of a river once a year. And as fish are jumping over a waterfall, some of them became food for the polar bears.
Again, look at how things are  planned. That specific type of fish don’t just swim to be eaten. They are going to lay eggs up the river. And because THE ORDER knows that not all of those fish will survive, it prepares them in plural.
I bet you’ll feel under higher authority when you try to proof me wrong before you realize that that specific species of fish actually conduct an annual meeting literally! They meet to discuss matters pertaining to crossbreeding and going up the river. Isn’t that amazing?
And this ORDER also controls the release of wisdom and knowledge to the universe. There’s a sequence in which knowledge and know-how is released and distributed. It would be stupid if everyone could create their own computer, because  we would all die from lack of doctors to treat us.

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Who will go to Heaven?

If there’s heaven, all good souls will go there…and note that I didn’t say “good people”, I said “good souls”…
When Christian kids are born, they look exactly identical to those of Russians’, they got similar behavior as those of Indians’, they cry the same as American kids, they grow at the same rate as those of Muslims, and they breath OXYGEN as Hindu kids do…
But if you bring together five year old kids from all those different regions and religions, you’ll find that they are totally different…and different in almost every aspect… This is because of the different environments they are brought up. So, as of now, we can safely and legally make a valid conclusion that the difference between humans is their environments… If we serve the real God who created the beginning of all human beings, and put them in different regions and environments, then there is no way He can just judge/hate/forsake His own creation, not unless His design was wrong!!!

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Everything with a beginning, has an End…

Everything that was created will die… Everything that was made will once be destroyed… Everything with a beginning has an end… And this is all because everything that was started will happen to be finished.
What I mean is, one day, the world will end…it might not be soon, but it will happen eventually!! But it will not just disappear. It will be replaced… And it’s us humans who will end the world…through overpopulation, over-curiosity, excessive wisdom, over-excess knowledge, and many other factors we can’t fully control like pollution and diseases!!! And after all, NOTHING LASTS FOREVER…

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The Equalizer

If you look around…you’ll find people walking, sitting, laughing, sad, busy, and/or serious… But have you ever looked INTO people? I mean like looking at someone and seeing beyond what you see, like seeing through them? If you’ve never, then look directly at their eyes… You’ll find pain inside those who look happy. You’ll find sorrow into those who have almost everything in life. Why? Am about to tell you. It’s because they lack/have something that everyone has…
If you live just slightly above average, there is that thing I call “The Equalizer” that keeps you from bragging, or showing off… Look at those super-rich guys and investigate why they don’t show’ll be amazed to realize that they either have something others don’t, or they lack something almost everyone has…like children, cancer, extreme depression, time for family, their kids are addicts, thousands of enemies, they don’t laugh unless no one is, they hate their wives, and to wrap it all…they don’t care, and when they care they care less, and the less they care about, they care about it  carelessly!!!!
But there are those who escape this “Equalizer” but no for long… Sooner or later, they get caught up. Also, it doesn’t mean that you enjoy when you’re poor…in fact, when you’re poor, you struggle, you over work, you talk to yourself almost always, and you question God than atheist do…  True or False? Fact or Fiction?

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Fate doesn’t exist…there’s no fate

This is a fact…and facts don’t change whether you like them or not. Facts are as real as oxygen, and the fact that there’s no fate is as real as internet.

So, if there is no fate…what is left when we drop the word fate?? I will tell you. It’s REACTION!!

As we already know, science is the road for those who are not locked in the limits of “don’ts”. We are going to use science to proof this little fact. Let’s use newton’s laws of motion. I will just copy-paste them from here

First Law states that:        An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

This means that there is a natural tendency of objects to keep on doing what they’re doing. All objects resist changes in their state of motion. In the absence of an unbalanced force, an object in motion will maintain this state of motion.

Second law states that:  Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).

This means that heavier objects require more force to move the same distance as lighter objects.

Third law states that:      For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

This means that for every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in direction. That is to say that whenever an object pushes another object it gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard.

So, we need to decode and see these laws explained in a way a two year old kid would understand. But before we do that, I am going to leave a flexibility turning point that I will put this way: “There are always exceptions, exceptions are everywhere” (and please use that quote with caution, it’s an intellectual property belonging to me!)…so try to think with me, not against me…Like a free thinker, right?? I will assume you agree. So let’s start…

First Law:             If you don’t make a step to do something, it will never be done. If the inventor of the device you are using to view this page didn’t make an effort implementing his/her idea, you’d probably never see this text. That’s a fact. So something has to be done for something to happen! Sometimes, we do something’s but get different results. That’s not fate. It’s an exception! Nature, life or time has a way of implementing exceptions differently.

Second Law:       The better you would want to enjoy your life, the harder you need to work. We all know that that isn’t always true. Some kids are billionaires the moment they are born, automatically. Am yet to find out why there is such difference, but I will soon. According to my reasoning, it happens to compensate for a loss that happened, or a loss to happen… then again, there are places where poverty has a home, an almost permanent home, a place where only journalists know, a place where darkness is a friend, and a place where people live to die…those are the people whom nature have sacrificed for others to enjoy. I call it the rule of  YES-AND-NO. When you say YES to one thing, it automatically means saying NO to another, and vice-versa. You say you are going east, it means you are not going west, you like it or not…that’s a fact!! That’s exactly what nature does to those poor children you see in those journalists cameras.

Third Law:           Here come my favorite line…what goes around, comes back around…and what goes up, must come down…So, it’s not fate that determines what comes our way. Its actions that were done by us, done by someone in the past, or something that nature detects might be done in future, and not necessarily by you. When you do something right, there are higher chances something good will come your way, but something against our wishes and expectations may happen too…

So, someone may ask, “what is nature?” and I will tell them, “Nature is a natural occurrence that works to implement time.”

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God Exists…

I found a video at YouTube that got my attention. I decided to write down the contents of the video.

“Nothing can only create NOTHING. Before the universe began, something must have always existed. Its energy. Energy is ETERNAL. The 1st law of thermodynamics confirms that. The law states: “energy cannot be created or destroyed”. No beginning or uncreated and no end. That’s the definition of “eternal”. You also can’t claim that this energy always existed IN the known universe because science has proven that the universe didn’t always exist. The universe and time didn’t always exist by Stephen Hawking
This energy that was present BEFORE the universe began had to have power beyond anything we can begin to imagine, considering it had to transfer its energy unto the TRILLIONS of stars and BILLIONS of galaxies. A separate eternal energy source that exists outside of the universe had to have supplied or transferred its energy to the universe (because we know the universe didn’t exist).
It is not unreasonable to assume this ANONYMOUS energy was the GOD. Listen, we reasonable have 2 options to determine what this powerful always existing energy. It could be a dumb, unconscious and vague energy source. (However, this seems extremely illogical considering that we can observe complexity, order, and design throughout the universe, solar system, galaxies, Human DNA, Chromosomes, Digestive system, neural system, the eye, the heart, liver, the brain…). The most logical answer would be that an intelligent mind constructed the universe, or a God. It’s as simple as that.
If you can’t agree with this logic then you’re stubborn, unreasonable, and don’t want to believe in the possible existence of a God.

But, but…but how did God created the universe in absence of time? Or simply, what is time? Or was time part of the creations of the universe?

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What would happen if we blew up the Moon?

The year is 2113. Humanity has spent the last 100 years stockpiling nuclear warheads. And not just a few – 600 billion of the largest, biggest, deadliest warheads they can build. Sort of like the Russian Tsar Bomba (the biggest nuclear bomb ever detonated) but, well, times 600 billion.

Why? Because we’ve decided to blow up the Moon, and to do so would require the equivalent of 30 trillion megatons of TNT.

When we say blow up, we don’t just mean slightly-blow-up. See, if you don’t completely obliterate the Moon, the remaining fragments will likely coalesce back together into a Moon-sized object. Sure, it won’t look as pretty or as spherical as our modern Moon, but it will be pretty similar in its gravitational effect on Earth.

No, what we (or, more specifically, our future selves) want to do is completely get rid of the Moon. So, with their multiple rockets ready and waiting to attack the Moon from all sides, they launch them towards our natural satellite and blow it to smithereens. Scientists around the world eagerly prepare for one of the greatest (and most idiotic) experiments of all time.

With the fragments of the Moon too small to gravitationally bond together, they begin to spread out. First, a large number of them head towards Earth, raining molten Moon rock down on our planet. Cities are destroyed, countries are wiped off the map, and we begin to wonder if blowing up the Moon was such a brilliant idea.

The remaining Moon material enters orbit around the world, forming a ring around our planet. But, like Saturn’s ring, it doesn’t just stay there. Periodically, for the rest of Earth’s life, meteorites break from the ring and slam into the surface. We’re now under constant bombardment from an apparently vengeful Moon.

But the Moon isn’t quite done getting even yet. Have you ever noticed that the Moon is covered in craters? Well, that’s because it gets pounded by meteorites, protecting Earth from some of the rocks that head our way. With the Moon annihilated, we’re now also more vulnerable to space rocks.

Of course, one of the Moon’s most noticeable effects is (or was) the tides. With the Moon no longer there, the oceans of the world become much calmer. The Sun still has an effect on them (known as solar tides), so surfers wouldn’t be completely devoid of waves. But the oceans would largely become serene.

This has a dire effect on life on Earth. When life first formed on Earth in tidal pools, it was thanks to the gravitational pull of the Moon that primordial life was able to traverse between different pools and generally spread across the planet. While we’re already here now, life that is currently in the oceans is no longer able to move so easily. The churning of the oceans, and thus the circulation of nutrients, ceases. Water-based life struggles to survive and, eventually, thousands (and probably millions) of species go extinct.

The Moon isn’t done yet, though. You see, it also accounted for about one-eightieth of the Earth-Moon mass system. The loss of the Moon directly affects the Earth’s orbit, rotation and wobble. Without the Moon to act as a stabiliser, the Earth begins to wobble more and more, sending our seasons into turmoil and changing our orbit around the Sun from slightly elliptical to massively elliptical. We now swing around the Sun in a wild, unstable, fluctuating orbit.

As the world regrets their ill-advised decision to destroy the Moon, it’s already too late to do anything. If humanity survives the constant bombardment from the remains of the Moon and other space rocks, the eradication of most other species from the globe, and finally the potentially catastrophic seasonal changes then, well, maybe blowing up the Moon wasn’t such a bad idea.

Otherwise, we’d probably advise against it. Why don’t we get rid of the Sun instead?


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Hell explained by a Chemistry Student

The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term.

Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?

The answer by one student was so ‘profound’ that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle’s Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let’s look at the different religions that exist in the world today.

Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle’s Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities:

  1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.
  2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, ‘It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,’ and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct……leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting ‘Oh my God.’


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