Fate doesn’t exist…there’s no fate

This is a fact…and facts don’t change whether you like them or not. Facts are as real as oxygen, and the fact that there’s no fate is as real as internet.

So, if there is no fate…what is left when we drop the word fate?? I will tell you. It’s REACTION!!

As we already know, science is the road for those who are not locked in the limits of “don’ts”. We are going to use science to proof this little fact. Let’s use newton’s laws of motion. I will just copy-paste them from here

First Law states that:        An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

This means that there is a natural tendency of objects to keep on doing what they’re doing. All objects resist changes in their state of motion. In the absence of an unbalanced force, an object in motion will maintain this state of motion.

Second law states that:  Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).

This means that heavier objects require more force to move the same distance as lighter objects.

Third law states that:      For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

This means that for every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in direction. That is to say that whenever an object pushes another object it gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard.

So, we need to decode and see these laws explained in a way a two year old kid would understand. But before we do that, I am going to leave a flexibility turning point that I will put this way: “There are always exceptions, exceptions are everywhere” (and please use that quote with caution, it’s an intellectual property belonging to me!)…so try to think with me, not against me…Like a free thinker, right?? I will assume you agree. So let’s start…

First Law:             If you don’t make a step to do something, it will never be done. If the inventor of the device you are using to view this page didn’t make an effort implementing his/her idea, you’d probably never see this text. That’s a fact. So something has to be done for something to happen! Sometimes, we do something’s but get different results. That’s not fate. It’s an exception! Nature, life or time has a way of implementing exceptions differently.

Second Law:       The better you would want to enjoy your life, the harder you need to work. We all know that that isn’t always true. Some kids are billionaires the moment they are born, automatically. Am yet to find out why there is such difference, but I will soon. According to my reasoning, it happens to compensate for a loss that happened, or a loss to happen… then again, there are places where poverty has a home, an almost permanent home, a place where only journalists know, a place where darkness is a friend, and a place where people live to die…those are the people whom nature have sacrificed for others to enjoy. I call it the rule of  YES-AND-NO. When you say YES to one thing, it automatically means saying NO to another, and vice-versa. You say you are going east, it means you are not going west, you like it or not…that’s a fact!! That’s exactly what nature does to those poor children you see in those journalists cameras.

Third Law:           Here come my favorite line…what goes around, comes back around…and what goes up, must come down…So, it’s not fate that determines what comes our way. Its actions that were done by us, done by someone in the past, or something that nature detects might be done in future, and not necessarily by you. When you do something right, there are higher chances something good will come your way, but something against our wishes and expectations may happen too…

So, someone may ask, “what is nature?” and I will tell them, “Nature is a natural occurrence that works to implement time.”