The Crying Angel

We cried when we said goodbye,

Our fate we sealed when we healed,

Am not bluffing, that why am laughing,

What money can’t buy we sold,

Then hate made haste,

And behold in came the cold,

Heal my memories or seal my affections,

To hide I want but to find you can,

Parallel in character parallel with fate,

You’re in my head like meds,

Like a wave of tune of you,

The Crying Angel Read More »

Who Am I?

Che gelida manina, Rodolfo's aria from La Bohème

Che gelida manina,			What a frozen little hand,
se la lasci riscaldar.			let me warm it for you.
Cercar che giova?			What’s the use of looking?
Al buio non si trova.			We won't find it in the dark.
Ma per fortuna				But luckily
é una notte di luna,			it’s a moonlit night,
e qui la luna				and the moon
l’abbiamo vicina.			is near us here.
Aspetti, signorina,			Wait, mademoiselle,
le dirò con due parole			I will tell you in two words
chi son, e che faccio,			who I am, what I do,
come vivo.  Vuole?			and how I live.  May I?
Chi son?  Sono un poeta.		Who am I?  I am a poet.
Che cosa faccio?  Scrivo.		What do I do?  I write.
E come vivo?  Vivo.			And how do I live?  I live.
In povertà mia lieta			In my carefree poverty
scialo da gran signore			I squander rhymes
rime ed inni d’amore.			and love songs like a lord.
Per sogni e per chimere			When it comes to dreams and visions
e per castelli in aria,			and castles in the air,
l’anima ho milionaria.			I’ve the soul of a millionaire.
Talor dal mio forziere			From time to time two thieves
ruban tutti i gioelli			steal all the jewels
due ladri, gli occhi belli.		out of my safe, two pretty eyes.
V’entrar con voi pur ora,		They came in with you just now,
ed i miei sogni usati			and my customary dreams
e i bei sogni miei,			my lovely dreams,
tosto si dileguar!			melted at once into thin air!
Ma il furto non m’accora,		But the theft doesn’t anger me,
poiché, poiché v’ha preso stanza	for their place has been
la speranza!				taken by hope!
Or che mi conoscete,			Now that you know all about me,
parlate voi, deh!  Parlate.  Chi siete?	you tell me who you are.
Vi piaccia dir!				Please do!


Who Am I? Read More »

Urantia book

+There are several parts i strongly disagree with Urantia book… A soul is a spirit…that’s a lie according to me, just because mercury is liquid as water doesn’t make mercury equivalent to water, a soul is God Himself within us… and God is not a spirit, else the Holy spirit wouldn’t exist!! The trinity of God is the existence of three independent principles within one… Just as we humans have spirit, soul and body…

Second, they have a very quire naming. “Divinigton”…that word is derived from divinity…just becouse they wanted us to believe their divine nature or divine message didn’t have to necessitate to  have them make their naming and terms relative…what i agree with the Urantia messagers is the part the acknowledge that even them there is knowledge they can’t or don’t possess either becouse they can comprehend, or its not allowed to them just as they aren’t allowed to share with us some information…that proofs the existence of the ALL-KNOWING deity that holds power and delegates knowledge and intelligence. That last line equates intelligence to quantifiable terms hence energy. Intelligence is energy just as gravity..

Urantia book Read More »

Up and running with DNX/DNVM/DNU



There’s been quiet a few announcements throughout Build 2015. One of the many aspects that I am excited about is the new cross platform runtime environment called DNX, or the .NET Execution Environment.

What is DNX?

The .NET Execution Environment (DNX) provides a consistent development and execution environment across multiple platforms (Windows, OS X, Linux), multiple CPU architectures (x86, x64) and different .NET flavors (.NET Framework, .NET Core and Mono).

There has been a lot of talk about how we can run more and more cross-platform during the conference and that’s what DNX is all about. There are several different pieces to DNX, including:

  • DNX (distribution): A NuGet package containing the implementation of the new environment. The .NET Core DNX distribution includes CoreCLR and the base parts of CoreFX. The .NET Framework and Mono DNX distribution only contain the DNX components.
  • DNX (commandline tool): The command line tool controls various app operations, primarily launching.
  • DNVM: This is a tool for acquiring and managing DNX distributions. While it’s not part of DNX itself, it plays an administrator role for DNX, providing version management among other things.
  • DNU: The NuGet client for DNX. NuGet.exe is not used.

What all of this means is that we can run console apps/ 5/entity framework on anything that can run DNX. So think Mac’s, Linux, Raspberry Pi’s etc.

How CoreCLR differs from DNX

CoreCLR contains the .NET Core runtime and the base library called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, base .NET data types and many low-level classes.

DNX contains the CoreCLR and the base parts of CoreFx which includes classes for collections, file systems, console, XML, async and many others.

Installing DNVM/DNX

Before you can install any DNX runtimes you need to install DNVM. There are a few ways to install the DNVM. Personally I prefer running the following powershell command:

C:\Dev> powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "&{iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))}"

Once that command has been executed, you will see similar console output to the following:

Using temporary directory: C:\Users\SBLACK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\dnvminstall
Downloading DNVM.ps1 to
Downloading DNVM.cmd to
Installing DNVM
Installing .NET Version Manager to C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\bin
Creating destination folder 'C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\bin' ...
Installing 'dnvm.ps1' to 'C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\bin' ...
Installing 'dnvm.cmd' to 'C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\bin' ...
Adding C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\bin to Process PATH
Adding C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\bin to User PATH
Adding C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx to Process DNX_HOME
Adding C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx to User DNX_HOME

After that has been completed, restart powershell and you should have the DNVM bits installed. You can verify this using the following command:


Installing a version of DNX

To install the latest .NET Core-based DNX, use the dnvm install command:

dnvm install -r coreclr latest

This will install the 32-bit version of .NET Core. If you want the 64-bit version, you can specify processor architecture.

dnvm install -r coreclr -arch x64 latest

Then, you can see the currently installed DNX versions with dnvm list:

dnvm list

Which, after running the above commands, results in the following output from the command above:

Active Version           Runtime Architecture Location                         Alias
------ -------           ------- ------------ --------                         -----
       1.0.0-beta5-11682 coreclr x64          C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\runtimes
  *    1.0.0-beta5-11682 coreclr x86          C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\runtimes

Interestingly, when you install each of the runtimes, the installer generates native images for the target machine which improves the start up performance.

Switching between DNX runtimes

If you have the need to switch between different versions of DNX, you can use the dnvm use command which has the following format:

dnvm use -r coreclr -arch <arch> <version>

Where <arch> is, replace with the architecture that you would like to have; eg: x86, x64. With <version> replace with the version number that is shown in dnvm list:

dnvm use -r coreclr -arch x86 1.0.0-beta5-11682

The above is used to switch the current runtime to the x86 version of the 1.0.0-beta5-11682 build of DNX. To switch to the x64 version, simply switch out x86 for x64:

dnvm use -r coreclr -arch x64 1.0.0-beta5-11682

This only makes the DNX runtime apply to the current terminal session. We do have options of adding it to the user profile or the system profile (the system profile is not recommend). Usually, when we run dnvm use we get something along the lines of:

Adding C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\runtimes\dnx-coreclr-win-x64.1.0.0-beta5-11682\bin to process PATH

Which gives us the following output in dnvm list:

Active Version           Runtime Architecture Location                         Alias
------ -------           ------- ------------ --------                         -----
  *    1.0.0-beta5-11682 coreclr x64          C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\runtimes
       1.0.0-beta5-11682 coreclr x86          C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\runtimes

Note the astrix above? That signifies the current running DNX environment. If we wish to persist that environment within our profile we add -p to our dnvm use command:

C:\Dev> dnvm use -r coreclr -arch x64 1.0.0-beta5-11682 -p
Adding C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\runtimes\dnx-coreclr-win-x64.1.0.0-beta5-11682\bin to process PATH
Adding C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\runtimes\dnx-coreclr-win-x64.1.0.0-beta5-11682\bin to user PATH

This time you see DNVM has added the run time to the user path, so the next time you start a terminal session, that will be the selected runtime.

Aliasing DNX runtimes

Aliasing is useful so you don’t have to remember those lovely version strings. To see the current aliases setup in your environment use, dnvm alias. This acts the exact same as the dnvm list command. Here is a sample output:

Alias Name
----- ----
Beta5 dnx-coreclr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta5-11682

You can create aliases in a few ways. The first is to specify the name and the version:

dnvm alias Beta5 -Version 1.0.0-beta5-11682 -Runtime coreclr

Using the above command, DNVM will create an alias for version 1.0.0-beta5-11682 with the x86 architecture on coreclr. Given that I have both x86 and x64 runtimes installed, I would suggest that the order of preference for the runtimes is x86, x64, arm, mono, everything else. However, we can specify a specific architecture with the command:

C:\Dev> dnvm alias Beta5 -Version 1.0.0-beta5-11682 -Architecture x64 -Runtime coreclr
Updating alias 'Beta5' to 'dnx-coreclr-win-x64.1.0.0-beta5-11682'

By specifying the architecture and using the same alias name, the DNVM has updated the alias to use the correct runtime. -Version, -Runtime and -Architecture can be shortened to -v, -r and -a respectively. If no runtime is specified, DNVM will default to the clr runtime.

When you have aliasing setup, you can use the alias within the dnvm use command. Note that you have to specify the runtime if you are not selecting the clr option:

C:\Dev> dnvm use Beta5x86 -r coreclr
Adding C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\runtimes\dnx-coreclr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta5-11682\bin to process PATH
C:\Dev> dnvm list

Active Version           Runtime Architecture Location                         Alias
------ -------           ------- ------------ --------                         -----
        1.0.0-beta5-11682 coreclr x64          C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\runtimes Beta5
   *    1.0.0-beta5-11682 coreclr x86          C:\Users\sblackler\.dnx\runtimes Beta5x86

Starting a DNX application

Before you can run your program, you need to ensure that your packages are restored. So enter dnu:

dnu restore

As mentioned earlier, dnu is all the other tools. It does builds, package restore and alot more. It can be thought of as a NuGet client plus more. Once the packages are restored, you can run your application:

dnx <path> run

All you need to do is specify a path, or use . as the path. The dot signifies the current working directory. If I build a quick console application and run the commands above, I get the following output:

C:\dev\test\ConsoleApp1> dnu restore
Restoring packages for C:\dev\test\ConsoleApp1\src\ConsoleApp1\project.json
Writing lock file C:\dev\test\ConsoleApp1\src\ConsoleApp1\project.lock.json
Restore complete, 146ms elapsed
C:\dev\test\ConsoleApp1> dnx . run
Hello DNX

And that’s it. That’s the basics of DNX/DNVM/DNU.

Up and running with DNX/DNVM/DNU Read More »


Once upon a time in a secret world
There was the big reign of a lovely girl
She could be the queen of the universe
But she always dreamed something else
Walking in the wood one day suddenly
She found a magic wand down among the leaves
She said “Oh my God, will my wish come true?”
Now I really know what to do
Abracadabra magic wand
I wanna be your wonder-girl
Abracadabra magic wand
I wanna fly to see my world

And so one day something amazing happened
So listen on, this is how the story continues…

Once upon a time there’s a wonder-girl
Her wish was to fly all around the world
She became the queen of the fantasy
Found her love and lived happily

Abracadabra Read More »

ASP.NET 6 Gotchas…

  1. entity framework migrations only work with classname plis a suffix of id as table id, otherwise, an error… (BY DEFAULT…)
  2. do not mix services.AddTransient<AccountService>(); instances with services.AddSingleton<IAccountRepository, AccountRepository>(); services for dependence injection.they result to some funny exception without proper details
  3. package management is easier but with wierd errors upon upgrade or adding a new package, like:

  1. there is no bearer tokens, but i suppose they are working on that. you only got Cookies…
  2. wwwroot is not a normal folder, so you cant include it i your scripts or styles reference
  3. how to configure mvc default routing

you have to do the following…


name: “default”,

template: “{index?}”,

defaults: new { controller = “Home”, action = “Index” }


and use the following controller

public class HomeController : Controller


public IActionResult Index()


return View();




public IActionResult About()


ViewData[“Message”] = “Your application description page.”;

return View();




public IActionResult Contact()


ViewData[“Message”] = “Your contact page.”;

return View();




this will serve the following urls:





also, the above will handle unavailable routes without the cost of redirecting, eg, http://localhost:3453/404 will show the page in http://localhost:3453/ given the route http://localhost:3453/404 isnt specified.

  1. Ajax and cookies are not good friends…

ASP.NET 6 Gotchas… Read More »

Dear Christ

Be the rain, and I will be clean;

Be the light, and I will be bright;

Be a seed, and grow within me;

Be the infinite, so I can learn you;

Be a mystery, and overwhelm me;

Be my friend and comfort;

Be my angle, and I feel safe;

Be my shield, and I will fight for my soul;

Be my tear, and I will be strong;

Be the wind, and carry me;

Be my favorite movie, and I will watch you all day;

Be my rest, so I feel comfortable;

Be my dream, so I sleep again;

Be my temptation, so I always do right;

Be a song; so I sing you;

Be the son of God, so you hear when I pay;

Be my desire, and wipe my loneliness;

Be my hands, so I work for you;

Be my eyes, and I will see God,

Be my preacher, and I will believe;

Be the holiest, so I desire righteousness,

Be my voice, so I can be god;

Be my thoughts, and I will be holy;


Dear Christ Read More »


Am no artist, but I know art;

Skilled talent it is;

A creative and sublime uniqueness;

The sharpest precision to reality;

Things to unfold it holds;

A mountain of the purest truth;

A gate to absolute liberty;

The idea to freedom

Art Read More »


Twas morning, yet it became morning again;

Then light became light;

White smile, as snow-white;

Thus a pull, long as a pool;

Light Read More »