
2 exceptions when giving/taking a bribe is understandable

There are only 2 exceptions when giving/taking a bribe is acceptable:

  1. When the size of your hope/vision/dream is smaller than the bribe. If all you ever hope to achieve is a million, then someone offers you a billion, then its understandable taking a bribe.
  2. When the absence of the bribe will result to a greater evil, like when someone’s life is at stake.

In all circumstances, its important to note that the exceptions listed above are based on reasoning, and when in such a crossroad, its only wise to seek a second opinion from your morality.

2 exceptions when giving/taking a bribe is understandable Read More »

The Hardening

Am i the one who is seeing different things, or am i seeing things differently, or are things really different?
The journey to Christianity as described in the The Pilgrim’s Progress could correctly be renamed as Hardening.

As Urantia books puts it…

You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you feelingly experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity.

It makes sense that we must understand why & where we are from, why & where we now are, and why & where we are going. Why adversity has to be the teacher is the MYSTERY!.

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The art of convincing people

Know your numbers.

Whenever you talk about anything always quote the numbers.

Say 2 out of 20 people have this or that…, 60% of children are this or that…, et cetera.

Have your facts right.

Know what you really know, what you just have a clue about and what you don’t know.

In connection to that, treat all unconfirmed information as rumors and take an effort to research and confirm that bits of knowledge that interest’s you.

Be fast to acknowledge what you don’t know or just shut up.

Tell a story.

If the discussion is about a relative topic, package your point in a story.

Tell it so well that even if someone doesn’t agree with your point, they at least agree with your story; and trust me, you have convinced them already.

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Where hope goes, Love follows…

You cannot blame a man being hungry, least for explaining the source and course of his hunger. There is no God. God exists as an experiential phenomenon inside out thoughts. So if you haven’t or can’t experience that, then there can’t be God. The bible happens to discard common sense and logic. How would God have created man with common sense to worship Him with all he got except Logic? Except common sense? Luckily, I found my source of absolute truth, and I believed it. If a man finds another and believes it, then let him. To me, Urantia Book matches my image of logic, common sense, God, power, mortality, love, terrestrial distribution, and hope. So believed it.

My great grandfather was a medicine man. He treated people who were cursed with spells, treated people with biological diseases, but most importantly, he made sacrifices at the mountain for rain and returned home wet. Christianity offers nothing except weakness, shame and guilt!!! In the scripture, it’s called meekness, the dictionary interprets that as controlled strength, but our pastors and bishops interpret that as weakness. They use it to prey on us. A man lives in a wheel chair almost his entire life having not to enjoy the wonders of the world, then you say he is wrong for believing in physics, you are wrong! Physics has given him a chair, speech, and medicine. God, has given him nothing to hold on to! God does what is best for everyone, so maybe this man might have become a murderer, as if there are no walking murderers. I think we are just as fortunate as a tree happens to grow in the middle of a tropical rain forest, never to be reached by fire, or power saw. That tree is no different from the one growing at the edge of the same forest, or a far forest. And if trees have no life, then maybe we are just like the trees, carrying life to the next generation, and when we die, the terrestrial have something to feed on to maintain their mortality.

As for me, I believe God is a Soul, living inside each and every human brain as intuition[more], emotion. That soul is the life, the same component that maketh matter, gives mass, decides density, and provides gravity for revolution of protons around nucleus of an atom. This symbol of a central object being revolved around by other independent objects is my singularity. It is evident everywhere, from galaxies, to atoms. Thus, God must either exist as a self-aware and personified layers of energy. I say layers because, without a start, there can never be an end. So, this energy must have begun the process of change, like making a decision, moving, reacting, harnessing, building, growing, reaching, or combining, or collision. Otherwise, the universe could and would have started at the first existent of eternity! But it didn’t. what prompted the start of a universe when it did was something in progress before and outside the aftermath whose result became the universe.

You can argue over opinions about God, but experience with Him and in Him exists above and beyond all human controversy and mere intellectual Knowledge – Urantia Book page 30 (1:6.6)

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The Power of Idea Sex

Source: The Power of Idea Sex | James Altucher | Pulse | LinkedIn

Is Da Vinci a plagiarist? Is Andy Warhol? Is Steve Jobs?

How do you take “the greatest story ever told” – a story around thousands of years and has been painted 100s of times, and make it your own?

Answer: Idea sex!

The most famous rendition is Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper. ”

Da Vinci was an amateur forensic doctor. He would cut up dead bodies to study, in great detail, all of the musculature, the bone structure, etc.

A “Last Supper” painting from the 13th century (see one of the attached images, “supper1”) was mostly two dimensional.

With no talking and no emotions on the faces despite the intensity of the dinner.

An intensity that has made it “the greatest story ever told” for 2000 years.

Da Vinci’s studies of human biology + his constant sketches of people talking in the street + “the greatest story ever told” = one of the most famous paintings in history.

And was Da Vinci’s concept original? Of course not! The story was already 1400 years old and had been painted hundreds of times.

Da Vinci made it his own. It became 100% original with his mastery of idea sex.

Steve Jobs didn’t invent the phone. The “genre” of the phone had existed for a century. The iPhone is a “phone” in every way.

He didn’t invent the MP3 player either. But he combined ideas, moved the genre forward and created his own micro-category which became THE category of smart phones.

And “The Last Supper” didn’t stop with Da Vinci.

Every industry and art form is the product of thousands of generations of idea sex. Every single one.

Check out the images attached to this post.

A) Dali’s surreal take:

Da Vinci tried to be as realistic as possible.

Dali combined surrealism with “The Last Supper”. The transparent, ambisexual blonde Jesus, The ghostlike body floating above. The disciples backs facing us (not done before in prior paintings).

B ) Fast forward to Andy Warhol: Da Vinci’s painting + the Warhol-style silk screening of it he made famous in his portraits of Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley.

Pop Art + The Last Supper = multi-million dollar painting.

Fast forward to one of my favorite TV shows, Battlestar Galactica and their marketing poster based on The Last Supper.

C) Battlestar Galactica:

A poster for Battlestar Galactica (see attached) is:

the battle between possibly semi-divine Cylons and humans (with a Judas) + Da Vinci’s exact representation = beautiful marketing poster. A work of art.

Every idea, every art, every business, is like a wedding dress. Something old, something new.

The OLD is thousands of years of story, of emotional conditioning, of wars, of sickness, of “rules” to help us conform.

The NEW, is you and the pleasure and thoughts and excitements that are uniquely you. What makes YOU happy?

It’s a party in your brain!

Do it with art. Do it with business. Do it for fun. Do it for love.

Take an idea from 100 years ago. From yesterday. From 1000 years ago. From your friend.

Tell a story around it in modern terms. Make it uniquely yours.

You can even make it a joke.

News article #1: a mother thrown out of Disney World because she was choking her child.

News article 2: United Airlines beating a passenger up.

1 + 2 = A mother was thrown out of DisneyWorld today for choking her son. Everything turned out ok, though. United hired her the next day.

Ok, not quite Louis CK but I’m practicing. Maybe one day I’ll be original.

P.S. Oh! I love this one.

Another great example of “idea sex” from Battlestar Galactica:

Jimi Hendrix’s “All Along the Watchtower” (written by an obscure songwriter named Bob Dylan and then Hendrix-ized) re-written and performed (and made totally original) by Bear McCreary for the show.

So beautiful. Please google it.

Seeing only the top of the pyramid of a work of art, or a business, or an invention, or an idea, misses the beauty of the entire pyramid.

What are some other cool examples?

[ Related Reading: How To Make Millions With Idea Sex ]

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What am I?

Sometimes I see someone on the mirror. Then I see like it’s me. Immediately, I reason out that it’s my brain showing me what I would like to see. But then I wonder who I am. Who am I?

What I feel, I can touch. When I feel, it appears real.  How I feel is visible. Am tormented by the imagination of me being owned by my own fears and thoughts. Can I be a captive to the same thing I try to free?

Power without virtual is weakness. Virtual without purpose is black magic. There are three kinds of people; the immovable, the movable, and the moving. The immovable are resistant to change. The movable re willing to change, but never do. The “moving” are those that get things done. Have enough of the moving, and that’s a movement. A movement results into a revolution. What am I?

What am I? Read More »

What Gives Life A Meaning

  1. Golden Ratio

    The golden ratio is also called the golden mean or golden section. Other names include extreme and mean ratio, medial section, divine proportion, divine section, golden proportion, golden cut, and golden number.

    This involves personal happiness and the similarities between our differences in opinions, perceptions, beauty, perfection, modesty, good health, balanced thought, what we see, what we hear, what we touch, and how we reason and think.

    This effects how we balance the events of life and how we manage to live and enjoy the fine-tuned universe, nature and life itself. This is also the ability to maintain a constant line of thought, belief, idea or mission.


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  2. Point of No Return
    This involves the limitation of time that forbids anything to retain its initial form to infinity. In its lower classes, we experience this in the form of fear of death, the adrenaline in risk, the hope of success, and the loss of wealth or health. In the basic to higher classes of “point of no return”, we experience the continuum of time where if time is passed, we never recover it.This gives most people a scale against which to measure their achievements, accomplishments, and also make future plans.If a moment of an event passes without the event done, consequences are guaranteed and this keeps us on toes.For some, it’s the fear of failure. Some people are aware that if their endeavor went south, their lives would be a series of unimaginable agony with horrifying consequences, so they do everything to anything to push that moment far into the future, as far as possible.
  3. Love
    Caring for others, being thoughtful, sex, sacrifices and all other deeds that give us the feeling inner joy and contentment.To some, life gets a meaning when they reproduce. They change completely as if their life has got a new purpose and mission, because they owe a responsibility to care and protect their children.When we feel cared for, looked after, favored, privileged and loved, we may create a utopic imagination that we are where we are by design for a purpose, reason or to accomplish something. That is neither true nor false.
  4. Philosophy

    God is the father of philosophy, and we aim to be like Him.

    There are five Branches of Philosophy.

    Metaphysics Study of Existence What’s out there?
    Epistemology Study of Knowledge How do I know about it?
    Ethics Study of Action What should I do?
    Politics Study of Force What actions are permissible?
    Esthetics Study of Art What can life be like?


    Philosophy, as a pillar of living, reflects in promises we make to each other, oaths we strive to keep, taboos and dogma we fight and fear to break, the doubts we hold, music we like to listen, the personalities show and hide, the wisdom search, etc… etc…

    This means that we are either looking to regain some part we had but lost, or we want some attachment to something we are part of. As a result, we develop behaviors such as meditation and religion. Otherwise, we develop abilities like mentalism that make us feel like we are part of a bigger, greater and important plan or design. These abilities fight to defeat the greatest mysteries of time, immortality and our identity.

    Other times, we attain higher intelligence and understanding of what is around, above and below us, all in an attempt to unlock the mysteries we live within as a key to the mysteries without.


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  5. Consciousness

    Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself, or the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought, or the upper level of mental life of which the person is aware as contrasted with unconscious processes.

    Consciousness entails the awakening of the third eye, which, scientifically, is activating the Pineal Gland. We like alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs that change how we interpret our perception because they make us see what we don’t usually see, hear what we don’t normally hear, and feel what we don’t normally feel. This means we have another personality that yearns to be feed, hungers to see, thirsts to experience, and wishes to be listened. This is the soul.

    This explains why some like monks, martial artists, and others live in total and complete self-denial for the benefit of the greater humanity. They only find the waters to quench their infinite thirst soul by serving their soul through the acts of kindness, humility, charity and tolerance.


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13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful | Zdravko Cvijetić | Pulse | LinkedIn

”Somebody once told me the definition of hell: “On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.” — AnonymusSometimes, to become successful, we do not need to add more things, we need to give up on some of them.Even though each one of us has a different definition of success, there are certain things that are universal, which, if you give up on them, you will be more successful.Some of them you can give up today, while it might take a bit longer for others.

1. Give Up On The Unhealthy Lifestyle“Take care of your body.

It is the only place you have to live.”  — Jim Rohn

If you want to achieve anything in life, everything starts here. First, you have to take care of your health, and there are only two things you need to keep in mind:Healthy Diet, Physical Activity, Small steps, but you will thank yourself one day.

2. Give Up The Short-term Mindset“

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West.

Successful people set long-term goals, and they know that these aims are merely the result of short-term habits that they need to do every day.These healthy habits should not be something you do; they should be something you are.There is a difference between: “Working out to have summer body” and “Working out because that is who you are.”

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Source: 13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful | Zdravko Cvijetić | Pulse | LinkedIn

13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful | Zdravko Cvijetić | Pulse | LinkedIn Read More »

Distinguishing privilege from good luck and achievement

In life, there are three reasons why things go well for us: privilege, random good fortune, and/or that we worked to make something happen. I recently encountered a really good example of all three at work when my DSL internet connection went down for two days. I know several people who have no internet connection at home because they can’t afford it. Some don’t even have a computer, and rely entirely on public computers for internet access. I had a hell of a time coping with two days offline, because I’m able to afford DSL and a large chunk of my life revolves around the internet. That got me thinking: is it a privilege that I can afford DSL, or good luck, or achievement? The short answer is: all three….

Source: Distinguishing privilege from good luck and achievement

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