I did notice the lines of weakness;
They were not necessary in the solid wall;
So why does evil exist? It doesn’t!
There is just an empty space, like a line of weakness;
The empty space is a will, the free will;
It’s how far we can will, so damn little;
We could be perfect, we could be strong;
We would be all the same, we would be one;
We would all fall once, if we ever did;
We would be weakened by the strength;
So we needed to be individuals;
We needed to be weak;
We needed to be free;
Then we wanted to be selfish, to occupy another’s space;
Then we wanted to be unloving, love was monotonous;
So there is no evil, we just desire evil;
We are not molded to desire evil, we are just free to choose it.
Evil is what is adjacent good;
Evil is pricking your neighbor;
Evil is not loving your neighbor;
Evil is what we would not like done unto us;