I found a video at YouTube that got my attention. I decided to write down the contents of the video.
“Nothing can only create NOTHING. Before the universe began, something must have always existed. Its energy. Energy is ETERNAL. The 1st law of thermodynamics confirms that. The law states: “energy cannot be created or destroyed”. No beginning or uncreated and no end. That’s the definition of “eternal”. You also can’t claim that this energy always existed IN the known universe because science has proven that the universe didn’t always exist. The universe and time didn’t always exist by Stephen Hawking
This energy that was present BEFORE the universe began had to have power beyond anything we can begin to imagine, considering it had to transfer its energy unto the TRILLIONS of stars and BILLIONS of galaxies. A separate eternal energy source that exists outside of the universe had to have supplied or transferred its energy to the universe (because we know the universe didn’t exist).
It is not unreasonable to assume this ANONYMOUS energy was the GOD. Listen, we reasonable have 2 options to determine what this powerful always existing energy. It could be a dumb, unconscious and vague energy source. (However, this seems extremely illogical considering that we can observe complexity, order, and design throughout the universe, solar system, galaxies, Human DNA, Chromosomes, Digestive system, neural system, the eye, the heart, liver, the brain…). The most logical answer would be that an intelligent mind constructed the universe, or a God. It’s as simple as that.
If you can’t agree with this logic then you’re stubborn, unreasonable, and don’t want to believe in the possible existence of a God.”
But, but…but how did God created the universe in absence of time? Or simply, what is time? Or was time part of the creations of the universe?