The perfect Order

Look around you again…and again if you can…and again if you are passionate about nature. What did you see? Most likely you saw walls. Why did it happen that bricks had to be discovered earlier than cement? Why did it happen that building was invented prior to beds? Why not the opposite? Let me ask you one more question before I tell you why… How is it that every living species has a threat wanting to eradicate it?
The answer is simple…THERE IS AN ORDER!!! There’s how things are supposed to go, and why they are going that way. And don’t mistake this with fate… This is a force, a higher power, or something beyond human understanding that ensures that everything goes as planned, as it was designed… It’s like “ONE MUST HAPPEN TO SERVE ANOTHER”.
If all animals were predators, what would they eat? If there were no predators, what would they eat after they over re-create? And if you doubt this, just investigate what, when, and after how long polar bears eat! Then, you’ll be ready to agree with me when you find it that polar bears stay more or equal to six months without eating. After which, they are supposed to suckle their siblings through out the journey longer than many miles on ice, to “search” for food. This order has to make sure that there is edible food available for the polar bears. That’s the sole reason why there is a certain kind of fish (I can’t remember which one) that believes that they have to swim against the current of a river once a year. And as fish are jumping over a waterfall, some of them became food for the polar bears.
Again, look at how things are  planned. That specific type of fish don’t just swim to be eaten. They are going to lay eggs up the river. And because THE ORDER knows that not all of those fish will survive, it prepares them in plural.
I bet you’ll feel under higher authority when you try to proof me wrong before you realize that that specific species of fish actually conduct an annual meeting literally! They meet to discuss matters pertaining to crossbreeding and going up the river. Isn’t that amazing?
And this ORDER also controls the release of wisdom and knowledge to the universe. There’s a sequence in which knowledge and know-how is released and distributed. It would be stupid if everyone could create their own computer, because  we would all die from lack of doctors to treat us.